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Teen Cannabis Use Linked To Lower IQ
Persistent cannabis use among teenagers under 18 years of age results in neuropsychological decline, which persists even after they stop smoking, researchers from the USA and UK reported in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.


Scientists Develop Rapid-Scanning Microscope With No Loss Of Quality
Researchers at the University of Leicester have developed a new form of digital microscope which can create an image 100 times faster than regular equipment - without losing image quality.The team of scientists have developed a new type of confocal microscope that produces high-resolution images at very fast speeds.

Biology Researchers Offered Hands-On Help For Learning The Secrets Of Molecules
For biology researchers, the complex world of molecular proteins - where tens of thousands of atoms can comprise a single protein - may be getting clearer with the help of a new soft, transparent, and squishy silicone model they can hold in their hands.


Improved Tool To Remove Stroke-Causing Blood Clots
Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and a common cause of long-term disability in the United States, but doctors have very few proven treatment methods. Now a new device that mechanically removes stroke-causing clots from the brain is being hailed as a game-changer.

Anti-Clotting Drugs Prasugrel And Clopidogrel Yield Similar Results
The first trial to study patients with acute coronary syndrome who do not undergo coronary stenting or bypass surgery found no significant difference between two anti-clotting drugs - prasugrel and clopidogrel - in preventing the first occurrence of death, heart attack or stroke, according to Duke University Medical Center cardiologists.


Increased Risk Of Recurrence Of Most Common Type Of Breast Cancer In Overweight And Obese Women
Extra pounds - even within the overweight but not obese range - are linked to a higher risk of recurrence of the most common type of breast cancer despite optimal cancer treatment, according to a new study published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

New Computer Simulation Models Metastasis
Cancer metastasis, the escape and spread of primary tumor cells, is a common cause of cancer-related deaths. But metastasis remains poorly understood. Studies indicate that when a primary tumor breaks through a blood vessel wall, blood's "stickiness" tears off tumor cells the way a piece of tape tears wrapping paper.


Links Between Nutrients, Genes And Cancer Spread
More than 40 plant-based compounds can turn on genes that slow the spread of cancer, according to a first-of-its-kind study by a Washington State University researcher.Gary Meadows, WSU professor and associate dean for graduate education and scholarship in the College of Pharmacy, says he is encouraged by his findings because the spread of cancer is most often what makes the disease fatal.

Research May Provide Tool To Study Cancer Metabolism
Scientists have known for decades that cancer cells use more glucose than healthy cells, feeding the growth of some types of tumors. Now, a team that includes researchers from the National Institutes of Health's new National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) has identified compounds that delay the formation of tumors in mice, by targeting a key enzyme that governs how cancer cells use glucose and its metabolites.

Genomic Variant Discovered That Increases Risk Of Brain Tumors
People who carry a "G" instead of an "A" at a specific spot in their genetic code have roughly a six-fold higher risk of developing certain types of brain tumors, a Mayo Clinic and University of California, San Francisco study has found.

When Malignant Brain Tumors Appear At Multiple Sites, Length Of Survival Affected
When aggressive, malignant tumors appear in more than one location in the brain, patient survival tends to be significantly shorter than when the disease starts as a single tumor, even though patients in both groups undergo virtually identical treatments, according to research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center's Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Research Institute.

New Computer Simulation Models Metastasis
Cancer metastasis, the escape and spread of primary tumor cells, is a common cause of cancer-related deaths. But metastasis remains poorly understood. Studies indicate that when a primary tumor breaks through a blood vessel wall, blood's "stickiness" tears off tumor cells the way a piece of tape tears wrapping paper.

New Molecular Interactions Behind The Inhibition Of TGF Beta-Signaling Described
Researchers headed by Maria Macias an ICREA researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and Joan Massague, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York, have identified a new molecular mechanism that plays a crucial role in the control of the activation of certain genes associated with cancer.

Whispering Gallery Inspires Virus Detector
By affixing nanoscale gold spheres onto a microscopic bead of glass, researchers have created a super-sensor that can detect even single samples of the smallest known viruses. The sensor uses a peculiar behavior of light known as "whispering gallery mode," named after the famous circular gallery in St.


Stent Patients With Afib May Drop Aspirin
Patients with atrial fibrillation who have a coronary stent placement and are on anticoagulation therapy may drop the aspirin and just take clopidogrel (Plavix) plus their anticoagulant medication, researchers from the TweeSteden Hospital, Tilburg, the Netherlands, explained at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Munich, Germany.

Will Robots Someday Replace Surgeons?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently cleared the Corpath 200 system, the world's fist robotic-assisted system for minimally invasive treatment of coronary artery disease.Philips Healthcare announced on August 22, 2012, that they will be the exclusive distributor of Corindus' interventional cardiology system in the United States.

Energy Drinks Help Heart Function
Energy drinks improve the contractions of both the left and right ventricles of the heart; they have a beneficial effect on myocardial function, Dr Matteo Cameli, from University of Siena, Italy, explained at the European Society of Cardiology 2012 Congress, in Munich, Germany.

Obese Fertile Women At Increased Risk Of Atrial Fibrillation
Obesity triggers atrial fibrillation in fertile women, according to research presented at the ESC Congress 2012 by Dr Deniz Karasoy from Denmark.Atrial fibrillation and obesity are among the largest public health related challenges in the western world today.

Women Over 75 With Atrial Fibrillation At 20% Greater Risk Of Stroke
Female gender increases the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) aged >75 years by 20%, according to a study presented at the ESC Congress 2012. The findings were presented by Anders Mikkelsen, from Denmark.

Anti-Clotting Drugs Prasugrel And Clopidogrel Yield Similar Results
The first trial to study patients with acute coronary syndrome who do not undergo coronary stenting or bypass surgery found no significant difference between two anti-clotting drugs - prasugrel and clopidogrel - in preventing the first occurrence of death, heart attack or stroke, according to Duke University Medical Center cardiologists.


Narrow Band Imaging With Colonoscopy Is Accurate Enough To Allow For Distal Non-Cancerous Polyps To Be Left In Place
According to a new study, the use of narrow band imaging (NBI) during colonoscopy is sufficiently accurate to allow distal hyperplastic (non-cancerous) polyps to be left in place without removal and small, distal adenomas (pre-cancerous polyps) to be removed and discarded without pathologic assessment.

Genetic Markers Discovered That Could Signal Colon Cancer Development
University of Minnesota Medical School and Masonic Cancer Center researchers have partnered with geneticists from Genentech, Inc., to discover how some proteins may cause the development of some forms of colon cancers.


Preparing For New Healthcare Payment Models, 21-23 October 2012, Dallas, Texas
With uncertainties around the Affordable Care Act and a shortage of physicians even before the influx of Baby Boomers, healthcare organizations have to face reality and address these issues, according to Larry Kaiser, President and Chief Executive Officer, Temple University Health System.

Pharma Marketing Show, Co Located Alongside DigiPharm Europe, 25-27 September 2012, London, UK
What is the future of pharmaceutical marketing? This question is one of the hot topics that seems to be constantly queried within the pharma industry at present with a lot of marketing teams questioning how they are going to use technology effectively in the future to enhance their multichannel marketing strategies.

Free 2nd World Cardiovascular, Diabetes, And Obesity Online Conference, September 11-14, 2012
Target Meeting is a leading online life science conference organizer. Thousands of international speakers and ten thousands of attendees participated in the online symposiums and conferences at Target Meeting.

The Next Generation Of Trial Design Innovation, 15-16 November 2012, Philadelphia, PA
Conference organizer ExL Pharma is proud to bring The Next Generation of Trial Design Innovation to the Loew's Hotel in Philadelphia, PA on November 15-16, 2012. The mission is to bring to light the current status of the use of Trial Design Innovations in practice, share technology enhancements used for protecting trial integrity including the role of simulations, and examine the effect that FDA Draft Guidance has had on industry.

Medicare Advantage Compliance Summit, 13-14 December 2012, Miami, FL
Discover innovative strategies and advanced tools to take your compliance initiatives to the next level! Join dynamic health plans and healthcare leaders to gain effective techniques for establishing successful compliance programs and managing fraud, waste and abuse.

** DENTISTRY News **

What Is Orthodontics?
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in treating patients with improper positioning of teeth when the mouth is closed (malocclusion), which results in an improper bite. Orthodontics also includes treating and controlling various aspects of facial growth (dentofacial orthopedics) and the shape and development of the jaw.

** DIABETES News **

Metabolic Disease An Increased Risk For Mexican-Americans Due To Ancestral Link
with an ancestral link to Amerindian tribes were found to have higher insulin resistance levels, which is an indication of several chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, according to research by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).


Why Do Computer Tablets Disrupt Sleeping Patterns?
Communication devices and tablet computers with self-luminous backlit displays can cause melatonin levels to drop, making it much harder to fall asleep, researchers at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, explained.

** EPILEPSY News **

New Non-Invasive Method For Diagnosing Epilepsy
Findings could help millions of people who are unable to control seizures.A team of University of Minnesota biomedical engineers and researchers from Mayo Clinic have published a groundbreaking study that outlines how a new type of non-invasive brain scan taken immediately after a seizure gives additional insight into possible causes and treatments for epilepsy patients.

** FERTILITY News **

Link Between Sperm DNA Quality In Older Men Improved Nutrition
A new study led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) found that a healthy intake of micronutrients is strongly associated with improved sperm DNA quality in older men.

** FLU / COLD / SARS News **

Novel Additive Boosts Effect Of Vaccines Against HIV And Flu In Mice
Oxford University scientists have discovered a compound that greatly boosts the effect of vaccines against viruses like flu, HIV and herpes in mice.An 'adjuvant' is a substance added to a vaccine to enhance the immune response and offer better protection against infection.


Narrow Band Imaging With Colonoscopy Is Accurate Enough To Allow For Distal Non-Cancerous Polyps To Be Left In Place
According to a new study, the use of narrow band imaging (NBI) during colonoscopy is sufficiently accurate to allow distal hyperplastic (non-cancerous) polyps to be left in place without removal and small, distal adenomas (pre-cancerous polyps) to be removed and discarded without pathologic assessment.

In The Future Weight May Be Managed By Manipulating The Microbiome
Vaccines and antibiotics may someday join caloric restriction or bariatric surgery as a way to regulate weight gain, according to a new study focused on the interactions between diet, the bacteria that live in the bowel, and the immune system.

** GENETICS News **

Links Between Nutrients, Genes And Cancer Spread
More than 40 plant-based compounds can turn on genes that slow the spread of cancer, according to a first-of-its-kind study by a Washington State University researcher.Gary Meadows, WSU professor and associate dean for graduate education and scholarship in the College of Pharmacy, says he is encouraged by his findings because the spread of cancer is most often what makes the disease fatal.

Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs
Nicotinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, may help the innate immune system kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, the so-called "superbugs". In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found high doses of the vitamin increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times.

Genomic Variant Discovered That Increases Risk Of Brain Tumors
People who carry a "G" instead of an "A" at a specific spot in their genetic code have roughly a six-fold higher risk of developing certain types of brain tumors, a Mayo Clinic and University of California, San Francisco study has found.

Researchers Show How Repressor Proteins Ensure Accurate Gene Expression By Thwarting Histone Exchange
Two opposing teams battle it out to regulate gene expression on the DNA playing field. One, the activators, keeps DNA open to enzymes that transcribe DNA into RNA. Their repressor opponents antagonize that effort by twisting DNA into an inaccessible coil around histone proteins, an amalgam called chromatin, effectively blocking access to DNA by enzymes that elongate an RNA strand.

Tracking The Genetic Causes Of Inherited Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 is essential to human health. However, some people have inherited conditions that leave them unable to process vitamin B12. As a result they are prone to serious health problems, including developmental delay, psychosis, stroke and dementia.

New Molecular Interactions Behind The Inhibition Of TGF Beta-Signaling Described
Researchers headed by Maria Macias an ICREA researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and Joan Massague, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York, have identified a new molecular mechanism that plays a crucial role in the control of the activation of certain genes associated with cancer.

Metabolic Disease An Increased Risk For Mexican-Americans Due To Ancestral Link
with an ancestral link to Amerindian tribes were found to have higher insulin resistance levels, which is an indication of several chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, according to research by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

"Footprints" Of Evolution Found In Regions Of DNA Surrounding Mutations That Confer An Advantageous Trait, Most Of Which Come From Dad
Humans inherit more than three times as many mutations from their fathers as from their mothers, and mutation rates increase with the father's age but not the mother's, researchers have found in the largest study of human genetic mutations to date.


Stent Patients With Afib May Drop Aspirin
Patients with atrial fibrillation who have a coronary stent placement and are on anticoagulation therapy may drop the aspirin and just take clopidogrel (Plavix) plus their anticoagulant medication, researchers from the TweeSteden Hospital, Tilburg, the Netherlands, explained at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Munich, Germany.

Energy Drinks Help Heart Function
Energy drinks improve the contractions of both the left and right ventricles of the heart; they have a beneficial effect on myocardial function, Dr Matteo Cameli, from University of Siena, Italy, explained at the European Society of Cardiology 2012 Congress, in Munich, Germany.

In-Hospital Mortality For Acute Heart Failure Similar For Men And Women But Treatment Favors Men
Women with acute heart failure have similar in-hospital mortality to men but are less treated in the real world, according to results from the global ALARM-HF registry presented at the ESC Congress 2012.

Artery Damage Already Evident In Adolescent Smokers
Adolescent smokers have thicker artery walls indicative of early development of atherosclerosis, according to research presented today at the ESC Congress. The findings from the Sapaldia Youth Study were presented by Dr Julia Dratva from Switzerland.

3 Year Outcomes In Heart Failure Patients Improved By Heart Separation Device
A novel non-invasive device which separates healthy and damaged heart muscle and restores ventricle function improves 3 year outcomes in patients with ischemic heart failure, according to research presented at the ESC Congress 2012.

Discovery Of Promising New Drug Target For Treatment And Prevention Of Heart Failure
A promising new drug target for the treatment and prevention of heart failure has been discovered by researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, NY, US. The study was presented at the ESC Congress 2012 by principal investigator Professor Roger J.

Although Healthy Foods Consumed More Often By Wealthy, Study Suggests Need For Customized Prevention Policies Among The Poor And The Rich
Healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, proteins and total fats are consumed more often by the wealthy while poorer people consume more carbohydrates, says a new study involving people from 17 countries.

** HIV / AIDS News **

Stribild HIV-1 Infection Drug Approved By FDA
Stribild, a medication to treat HIV-1 infection for treatment-naïve adults, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Stribild is a pill combination of four active ingredients - elvitegravir 150 mg/cobicistat 150 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg - and is taken once a day.

Novel Additive Boosts Effect Of Vaccines Against HIV And Flu In Mice
Oxford University scientists have discovered a compound that greatly boosts the effect of vaccines against viruses like flu, HIV and herpes in mice.An 'adjuvant' is a substance added to a vaccine to enhance the immune response and offer better protection against infection.


Novel Additive Boosts Effect Of Vaccines Against HIV And Flu In Mice
Oxford University scientists have discovered a compound that greatly boosts the effect of vaccines against viruses like flu, HIV and herpes in mice.An 'adjuvant' is a substance added to a vaccine to enhance the immune response and offer better protection against infection.

In The Future Weight May Be Managed By Manipulating The Microbiome
Vaccines and antibiotics may someday join caloric restriction or bariatric surgery as a way to regulate weight gain, according to a new study focused on the interactions between diet, the bacteria that live in the bowel, and the immune system.


Children Drinking From About Half The UK's Private Water Supplies Are Almost 5 Times More Likely To Pick Up Stomach Infections
University of East Anglia research shows children at risk from rural water suppliesChildren drinking from around half the UK's private water supplies are almost five times more likely to pick up stomach infections - according to research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).

Whispering Gallery Inspires Virus Detector
By affixing nanoscale gold spheres onto a microscopic bead of glass, researchers have created a super-sensor that can detect even single samples of the smallest known viruses. The sensor uses a peculiar behavior of light known as "whispering gallery mode," named after the famous circular gallery in St.

** IT / INTERNET / E-MAIL News **

Why Do Computer Tablets Disrupt Sleeping Patterns?
Communication devices and tablet computers with self-luminous backlit displays can cause melatonin levels to drop, making it much harder to fall asleep, researchers at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, explained.

Merging Tissue And Electronics
New tissue scaffold could be used for drug development and implantable therapeutic devicesTo control the three-dimensional shape of engineered tissue, researchers grow cells on tiny, sponge-like scaffolds.

New Computer Simulation Models Metastasis
Cancer metastasis, the escape and spread of primary tumor cells, is a common cause of cancer-related deaths. But metastasis remains poorly understood. Studies indicate that when a primary tumor breaks through a blood vessel wall, blood's "stickiness" tears off tumor cells the way a piece of tape tears wrapping paper.


Will Robots Someday Replace Surgeons?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently cleared the Corpath 200 system, the world's fist robotic-assisted system for minimally invasive treatment of coronary artery disease.Philips Healthcare announced on August 22, 2012, that they will be the exclusive distributor of Corindus' interventional cardiology system in the United States.

3 Year Outcomes In Heart Failure Patients Improved By Heart Separation Device
A novel non-invasive device which separates healthy and damaged heart muscle and restores ventricle function improves 3 year outcomes in patients with ischemic heart failure, according to research presented at the ESC Congress 2012.

'Cyborg' Tissues Could Merge Bioengineering With Electronics For Drug Development, Implantable Therapeutics
A multi-institutional research team has developed a method for embedding networks of biocompatible nanoscale wires within engineered tissues. These networks - which mark the first time that electronics and tissue have been truly merged in 3D - allow direct tissue sensing and potentially stimulation, a potential boon for development of engineered tissues that incorporate capabilities for monitoring and stimulation, and of devices for screening new drugs.

Improved Tool To Remove Stroke-Causing Blood Clots
Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and a common cause of long-term disability in the United States, but doctors have very few proven treatment methods. Now a new device that mechanically removes stroke-causing clots from the brain is being hailed as a game-changer.

Scientists Develop Rapid-Scanning Microscope With No Loss Of Quality
Researchers at the University of Leicester have developed a new form of digital microscope which can create an image 100 times faster than regular equipment - without losing image quality.The team of scientists have developed a new type of confocal microscope that produces high-resolution images at very fast speeds.

New Non-Invasive Method For Diagnosing Epilepsy
Findings could help millions of people who are unable to control seizures.A team of University of Minnesota biomedical engineers and researchers from Mayo Clinic have published a groundbreaking study that outlines how a new type of non-invasive brain scan taken immediately after a seizure gives additional insight into possible causes and treatments for epilepsy patients.

Whispering Gallery Inspires Virus Detector
By affixing nanoscale gold spheres onto a microscopic bead of glass, researchers have created a super-sensor that can detect even single samples of the smallest known viruses. The sensor uses a peculiar behavior of light known as "whispering gallery mode," named after the famous circular gallery in St.

** MEN'S HEALTH News **

Men Should Sit To Pee Says Taiwan Minister
Men should sit down to urinate in the toilet instead of standing up because it helps maintain a cleaner environment, says a Taiwanese government minister.Stephen Shen is Taiwan's minister for Environmental Protection Administration (EPA).

Circumcision Benefits More Than Risks, AAP
Male circumcision benefits are greater than the risks, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) after carrying out a comprehensive review of available scientific evidence. However, the Academy emphasizes that it does not consider the benefits are enough to advise parents to have their newborn male babies circumcised; this should be a parental decision based on their cultural, ethical and religious beliefs.

Link Between Sperm DNA Quality In Older Men Improved Nutrition
A new study led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) found that a healthy intake of micronutrients is strongly associated with improved sperm DNA quality in older men.


Teen Cannabis Use Linked To Lower IQ
Persistent cannabis use among teenagers under 18 years of age results in neuropsychological decline, which persists even after they stop smoking, researchers from the USA and UK reported in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.


Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs
Nicotinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, may help the innate immune system kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, the so-called "superbugs". In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found high doses of the vitamin increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times.


ALS Discovery Points To New Pathways And Potential Treatment Strategy
A team of scientists, including faculty at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), have discovered a gene that influences survival time in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease).


You Can Learn While You Sleep, Says Study
New research from Weizmann Institute, published in Nature Neuroscience has discovered that people can actually learn during sleep, which can unconsciously modify their behavior while awake.The study suggests that while people sleep, if certain odors are presented after hearing tones, people start sniffing even if there is no odor presented when they hear the same tones.

Genomic Variant Discovered That Increases Risk Of Brain Tumors
People who carry a "G" instead of an "A" at a specific spot in their genetic code have roughly a six-fold higher risk of developing certain types of brain tumors, a Mayo Clinic and University of California, San Francisco study has found.

After Traumatic Brain Injury, Targeted Oxidation-Blocker Prevents Secondary Damage
Treatment with an agent that blocks the oxidation of an important component of the mitochondrial membrane prevented the secondary damage of severe traumatic brain injury and preserved function that would otherwise have been impaired, according to a research team from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Graduate School of Public Health and Department of Chemistry in a report published online in Nature Neuroscience.

When Malignant Brain Tumors Appear At Multiple Sites, Length Of Survival Affected
When aggressive, malignant tumors appear in more than one location in the brain, patient survival tends to be significantly shorter than when the disease starts as a single tumor, even though patients in both groups undergo virtually identical treatments, according to research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center's Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Research Institute.

Scientists Develop Rapid-Scanning Microscope With No Loss Of Quality
Researchers at the University of Leicester have developed a new form of digital microscope which can create an image 100 times faster than regular equipment - without losing image quality.The team of scientists have developed a new type of confocal microscope that produces high-resolution images at very fast speeds.

The Generation Of New Neurons From Neural Stem Cells Controlled By Astrocytes
Astrocytes are cells that have many functions in the central nervous system, such as the control of neuronal synapses, blood flow, or the brain's response to neurotrauma or stroke. Reduces brain tissue damage Prof.


Breast Milk Boosts Beneficial Growth Of Gut Flora
Unlike infant formula, breast milk promotes more beneficial growth of gut flora, the colonies of friendly bacteria that help absorb nutrients and develop the immune system. This may explain why it is better than formula at protecting newborns from infection and illness, according to a new US study published as an epub ahead of print in the journal Current Nutrition & Food Science this week.


Breast Milk Boosts Beneficial Growth Of Gut Flora
Unlike infant formula, breast milk promotes more beneficial growth of gut flora, the colonies of friendly bacteria that help absorb nutrients and develop the immune system. This may explain why it is better than formula at protecting newborns from infection and illness, according to a new US study published as an epub ahead of print in the journal Current Nutrition & Food Science this week.

Energy Drinks Help Heart Function
Energy drinks improve the contractions of both the left and right ventricles of the heart; they have a beneficial effect on myocardial function, Dr Matteo Cameli, from University of Siena, Italy, explained at the European Society of Cardiology 2012 Congress, in Munich, Germany.

Links Between Nutrients, Genes And Cancer Spread
More than 40 plant-based compounds can turn on genes that slow the spread of cancer, according to a first-of-its-kind study by a Washington State University researcher.Gary Meadows, WSU professor and associate dean for graduate education and scholarship in the College of Pharmacy, says he is encouraged by his findings because the spread of cancer is most often what makes the disease fatal.

Study Finds Working Mothers Spend Less Time Daily On Their Children's Diet, Exercise
When it comes to cooking, grocery shopping and playing with children, American moms with full-time jobs spend roughly three-and-half fewer hours per day on these and other chores related to their children's diet and exercise compared to stay-at-home and unemployed mothers, reports a new paper by a Cornell University health economist.

Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs
Nicotinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, may help the innate immune system kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, the so-called "superbugs". In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found high doses of the vitamin increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times.

Tracking The Genetic Causes Of Inherited Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 is essential to human health. However, some people have inherited conditions that leave them unable to process vitamin B12. As a result they are prone to serious health problems, including developmental delay, psychosis, stroke and dementia.

Link Between Sperm DNA Quality In Older Men Improved Nutrition
A new study led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) found that a healthy intake of micronutrients is strongly associated with improved sperm DNA quality in older men.

Although Healthy Foods Consumed More Often By Wealthy, Study Suggests Need For Customized Prevention Policies Among The Poor And The Rich
Healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, proteins and total fats are consumed more often by the wealthy while poorer people consume more carbohydrates, says a new study involving people from 17 countries.


Reducing Children's TV Time Helps Them Lose Weight
New research, released in the September/October 2012 issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, suggests that excess weight gain among adolescents could be prevented by reducing the amount of television they view.

Long-Term Weight Loss Extremely Hard For Post-Menopausal Women
Postmenopausal women naturally consume much less energy than when they were younger, the strategies and behaviors they followed earlier in life are simply not sustainable or effective in the long-term any more, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Department of Health and Physical Activity, reported in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Obese Fertile Women At Increased Risk Of Atrial Fibrillation
Obesity triggers atrial fibrillation in fertile women, according to research presented at the ESC Congress 2012 by Dr Deniz Karasoy from Denmark.Atrial fibrillation and obesity are among the largest public health related challenges in the western world today.

In The Future Weight May Be Managed By Manipulating The Microbiome
Vaccines and antibiotics may someday join caloric restriction or bariatric surgery as a way to regulate weight gain, according to a new study focused on the interactions between diet, the bacteria that live in the bowel, and the immune system.

Increased Risk Of Recurrence Of Most Common Type Of Breast Cancer In Overweight And Obese Women
Extra pounds - even within the overweight but not obese range - are linked to a higher risk of recurrence of the most common type of breast cancer despite optimal cancer treatment, according to a new study published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.


Is Pretend Play Overrated For Child Development?
A new study by University of Virginia, published online in the journal Psychological Bulletin states that pretend play is not as important to child development as researchers previously thought.

Reducing Children's TV Time Helps Them Lose Weight
New research, released in the September/October 2012 issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, suggests that excess weight gain among adolescents could be prevented by reducing the amount of television they view.

Breast Milk Boosts Beneficial Growth Of Gut Flora
Unlike infant formula, breast milk promotes more beneficial growth of gut flora, the colonies of friendly bacteria that help absorb nutrients and develop the immune system. This may explain why it is better than formula at protecting newborns from infection and illness, according to a new US study published as an epub ahead of print in the journal Current Nutrition & Food Science this week.

Technology Communication Among Divorced Parents Can Be Effective If Used Properly
According to a University of Missouri family studies expert, divorced parents who are involved in hostile relationships use technology, such as texting or emails, to communicate with their ex-spouses and talk about their children.

Study Finds Working Mothers Spend Less Time Daily On Their Children's Diet, Exercise
When it comes to cooking, grocery shopping and playing with children, American moms with full-time jobs spend roughly three-and-half fewer hours per day on these and other chores related to their children's diet and exercise compared to stay-at-home and unemployed mothers, reports a new paper by a Cornell University health economist.

Circumcision Benefits More Than Risks, AAP
Male circumcision benefits are greater than the risks, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) after carrying out a comprehensive review of available scientific evidence. However, the Academy emphasizes that it does not consider the benefits are enough to advise parents to have their newborn male babies circumcised; this should be a parental decision based on their cultural, ethical and religious beliefs.

Artery Damage Already Evident In Adolescent Smokers
Adolescent smokers have thicker artery walls indicative of early development of atherosclerosis, according to research presented today at the ESC Congress. The findings from the Sapaldia Youth Study were presented by Dr Julia Dratva from Switzerland.

Children Drinking From About Half The UK's Private Water Supplies Are Almost 5 Times More Likely To Pick Up Stomach Infections
University of East Anglia research shows children at risk from rural water suppliesChildren drinking from around half the UK's private water supplies are almost five times more likely to pick up stomach infections - according to research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).


Merging Tissue And Electronics
New tissue scaffold could be used for drug development and implantable therapeutic devicesTo control the three-dimensional shape of engineered tissue, researchers grow cells on tiny, sponge-like scaffolds.

'Cyborg' Tissues Could Merge Bioengineering With Electronics For Drug Development, Implantable Therapeutics
A multi-institutional research team has developed a method for embedding networks of biocompatible nanoscale wires within engineered tissues. These networks - which mark the first time that electronics and tissue have been truly merged in 3D - allow direct tissue sensing and potentially stimulation, a potential boon for development of engineered tissues that incorporate capabilities for monitoring and stimulation, and of devices for screening new drugs.


Is Pretend Play Overrated For Child Development?
A new study by University of Virginia, published online in the journal Psychological Bulletin states that pretend play is not as important to child development as researchers previously thought.

Technology Communication Among Divorced Parents Can Be Effective If Used Properly
According to a University of Missouri family studies expert, divorced parents who are involved in hostile relationships use technology, such as texting or emails, to communicate with their ex-spouses and talk about their children.

Teen Cannabis Use Linked To Lower IQ
Persistent cannabis use among teenagers under 18 years of age results in neuropsychological decline, which persists even after they stop smoking, researchers from the USA and UK reported in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.


Men Should Sit To Pee Says Taiwan Minister
Men should sit down to urinate in the toilet instead of standing up because it helps maintain a cleaner environment, says a Taiwanese government minister.Stephen Shen is Taiwan's minister for Environmental Protection Administration (EPA).

Which Post-Operative Complications Result In Highest Risk For Readmission?
A recent study, published in the September issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons reveals that complications in the 30 day post-surgery window are generally the main reason patients are readmitted to hospitals.

Middle Aged Fitness Protects Health In Old Age
Middle aged people who regularly exercise and are physically fit have a much lower risk of developing chronic health conditions associated with old age, researchers from the Cooper Institute, Dallas, USA reported in Archives of Internal Medicine.

Fear Of Losing Licence Cited For Understatement Of Sleep Apnoea Symptoms By Commercial Drivers
People who drive commercial vehicles, such as buses, taxis, trucks and aeroplanes, could be incorrectly reporting their symptoms of sleep apnoea due to their fears of endangering their employment, according to a new study.

Although Healthy Foods Consumed More Often By Wealthy, Study Suggests Need For Customized Prevention Policies Among The Poor And The Rich
Healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, proteins and total fats are consumed more often by the wealthy while poorer people consume more carbohydrates, says a new study involving people from 17 countries.


Stribild HIV-1 Infection Drug Approved By FDA
Stribild, a medication to treat HIV-1 infection for treatment-naïve adults, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Stribild is a pill combination of four active ingredients - elvitegravir 150 mg/cobicistat 150 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg - and is taken once a day.


Fear Of Losing Licence Cited For Understatement Of Sleep Apnoea Symptoms By Commercial Drivers
People who drive commercial vehicles, such as buses, taxis, trucks and aeroplanes, could be incorrectly reporting their symptoms of sleep apnoea due to their fears of endangering their employment, according to a new study.

** SENIORS / AGING News **

Long-Term Weight Loss Extremely Hard For Post-Menopausal Women
Postmenopausal women naturally consume much less energy than when they were younger, the strategies and behaviors they followed earlier in life are simply not sustainable or effective in the long-term any more, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Department of Health and Physical Activity, reported in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Middle Aged Fitness Protects Health In Old Age
Middle aged people who regularly exercise and are physically fit have a much lower risk of developing chronic health conditions associated with old age, researchers from the Cooper Institute, Dallas, USA reported in Archives of Internal Medicine.


Circumcision Benefits More Than Risks, AAP
Male circumcision benefits are greater than the risks, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) after carrying out a comprehensive review of available scientific evidence. However, the Academy emphasizes that it does not consider the benefits are enough to advise parents to have their newborn male babies circumcised; this should be a parental decision based on their cultural, ethical and religious beliefs.


Why Do Computer Tablets Disrupt Sleeping Patterns?
Communication devices and tablet computers with self-luminous backlit displays can cause melatonin levels to drop, making it much harder to fall asleep, researchers at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, explained.

Sleep Apnoea Symptoms Possibly Understated By Commercial Drivers Afraid Of Losing License
People who drive commercial vehicles, such as buses, taxis, trucks and aeroplanes, could be incorrectly reporting their symptoms of sleep apnoea due to their fears of endangering their employment, according to a new study.

You Can Learn While You Sleep, Says Study
New research from Weizmann Institute, published in Nature Neuroscience has discovered that people can actually learn during sleep, which can unconsciously modify their behavior while awake.The study suggests that while people sleep, if certain odors are presented after hearing tones, people start sniffing even if there is no odor presented when they hear the same tones.

Fear Of Losing Licence Cited For Understatement Of Sleep Apnoea Symptoms By Commercial Drivers
People who drive commercial vehicles, such as buses, taxis, trucks and aeroplanes, could be incorrectly reporting their symptoms of sleep apnoea due to their fears of endangering their employment, according to a new study.


Smoking After Stroke Increases Death Risk By Three-fold
A new study, presented at ESC Congress 2012 by Professor Furio Colivicchi from San Filippo Neri Hospital, patients who continue smoking after a stroke have a three times higher chance of death.

Smoking Ban Offers The Most Benefit To Non-Smokers
After the smoking ban was introduced in Bremen, Germany, the rate of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) diminished by 26% in non-smokers but remained almost constant in active smokers, according to research presented today at the ESC Congress 2012.

Artery Damage Already Evident In Adolescent Smokers
Adolescent smokers have thicker artery walls indicative of early development of atherosclerosis, according to research presented today at the ESC Congress. The findings from the Sapaldia Youth Study were presented by Dr Julia Dratva from Switzerland.


Middle Aged Fitness Protects Health In Old Age
Middle aged people who regularly exercise and are physically fit have a much lower risk of developing chronic health conditions associated with old age, researchers from the Cooper Institute, Dallas, USA reported in Archives of Internal Medicine.


The Generation Of New Neurons From Neural Stem Cells Controlled By Astrocytes
Astrocytes are cells that have many functions in the central nervous system, such as the control of neuronal synapses, blood flow, or the brain's response to neurotrauma or stroke. Reduces brain tissue damage Prof.

** STROKE News **

Smoking After Stroke Increases Death Risk By Three-fold
A new study, presented at ESC Congress 2012 by Professor Furio Colivicchi from San Filippo Neri Hospital, patients who continue smoking after a stroke have a three times higher chance of death.

Women Over 75 With Atrial Fibrillation At 20% Greater Risk Of Stroke
Female gender increases the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) aged >75 years by 20%, according to a study presented at the ESC Congress 2012. The findings were presented by Anders Mikkelsen, from Denmark.

Improved Tool To Remove Stroke-Causing Blood Clots
Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and a common cause of long-term disability in the United States, but doctors have very few proven treatment methods. Now a new device that mechanically removes stroke-causing clots from the brain is being hailed as a game-changer.

The Generation Of New Neurons From Neural Stem Cells Controlled By Astrocytes
Astrocytes are cells that have many functions in the central nervous system, such as the control of neuronal synapses, blood flow, or the brain's response to neurotrauma or stroke. Reduces brain tissue damage Prof.

Anti-Clotting Drugs Prasugrel And Clopidogrel Yield Similar Results
The first trial to study patients with acute coronary syndrome who do not undergo coronary stenting or bypass surgery found no significant difference between two anti-clotting drugs - prasugrel and clopidogrel - in preventing the first occurrence of death, heart attack or stroke, according to Duke University Medical Center cardiologists.


Will Robots Someday Replace Surgeons?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently cleared the Corpath 200 system, the world's fist robotic-assisted system for minimally invasive treatment of coronary artery disease.Philips Healthcare announced on August 22, 2012, that they will be the exclusive distributor of Corindus' interventional cardiology system in the United States.


Children Drinking From About Half The UK's Private Water Supplies Are Almost 5 Times More Likely To Pick Up Stomach Infections
University of East Anglia research shows children at risk from rural water suppliesChildren drinking from around half the UK's private water supplies are almost five times more likely to pick up stomach infections - according to research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).


Long-Term Weight Loss Extremely Hard For Post-Menopausal Women
Postmenopausal women naturally consume much less energy than when they were younger, the strategies and behaviors they followed earlier in life are simply not sustainable or effective in the long-term any more, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Department of Health and Physical Activity, reported in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Study Finds Working Mothers Spend Less Time Daily On Their Children's Diet, Exercise
When it comes to cooking, grocery shopping and playing with children, American moms with full-time jobs spend roughly three-and-half fewer hours per day on these and other chores related to their children's diet and exercise compared to stay-at-home and unemployed mothers, reports a new paper by a Cornell University health economist.

Obese Fertile Women At Increased Risk Of Atrial Fibrillation
Obesity triggers atrial fibrillation in fertile women, according to research presented at the ESC Congress 2012 by Dr Deniz Karasoy from Denmark.Atrial fibrillation and obesity are among the largest public health related challenges in the western world today.

Women Over 75 With Atrial Fibrillation At 20% Greater Risk Of Stroke
Female gender increases the risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) aged >75 years by 20%, according to a study presented at the ESC Congress 2012. The findings were presented by Anders Mikkelsen, from Denmark.

In-Hospital Mortality For Acute Heart Failure Similar For Men And Women But Treatment Favors Men
Women with acute heart failure have similar in-hospital mortality to men but are less treated in the real world, according to results from the global ALARM-HF registry presented at the ESC Congress 2012.


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