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Simple CT Scan Can Predict Worsening COPD: Study


Simple computed tomography (CT) scan is a strong predictor of the risk of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), say researchers. The research team says that an increase in the size of the pulmonary artery relative to the size of the aorta is a valid indicator that a patient with COPD is at risk for exacerbating their disease. These exacerbations of COPD are associated with accelerated loss of lung function, worsened quality of life ...

Complete Natural Wonder Foods


Aloe vera juice provides anti-inflammatory action in the digestive system. 100 g of amla contains 600 mg of this protective vitamin.Sprouts are one of the densest sources of nutrition.

Teachers Play Truant in India's Schools: Survey


On any given day in a state primary school in India, up to one in four teachers is missing from the school. The cost for a country that sees its young population as its ticket to superpower status is huge. In the poor and agricultural district of Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh, a state that is home to nearly 200 million people, or one in six Indians, absences afflict pupils and fellow teachers alike. One frustrated headmistress showed AFP the ...

10 People Dead in Quebec Legionnaire's Disease Outbreak


A Legionnaire's disease outbreak in Quebec City has killed 10 people since late July, health authorities in the francophone Canadian city said in an updated toll. A total of 165 people have so far been diagnosed with the disease, which poses a risk for people with weak immune systems but can be treated with antibiotics. The regional DRSP health authorities noted that the most recent count included cases reported over the past 10 to 15 days, as Legionnaire's ...

17 Schools in Delhi to Get Potable Water Units


Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said that seventeen Delhi government schools would get solar-powered water treatment plants to provide potable water to over 750 students daily in each institution. With treatment capacity of 5,000 litre, the plants would be put up in schools for talented poor students, said Dikshit, inaugurating a plant at an east Delhi school. "If all goes well with this plant, these systems would be installed in all 17 Rajkiya Pratibha ...

Dining With Friends can Make You Fat, Says Study


Dining with a friend could be bad for your health, states study. Researchers led by Eric Robinson, psychologist at the University of Birmingham, believe it may help to explain why groups of friends often put on weight at the same time and why some women complain that they get heavier when they find a boyfriend - they start to copy his eating habits. "There is a lot of evidence that points towards this idea that your friends make you fat. If you have got friends ...

Why Dogs Really Feel Humans' Pain: Study


Dogs may connect with humans more than any other animal, including homo sapiens themselves, a new study has suggested. The latest study found that pet dogs may truly be man best friend if a person is in distress. That distressed individual does not even have to be someone the dog knows. "I think there is good reason to suspect dogs would be more sensitive to human emotion than other species," Discovery News quoted co-author Deborah Custance as saying. ...

BUSM Researchers Study Use of MRI in Case of Osteoarthritis


A study conducted at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) shows that MRI detected a high prevalence of abnormalities associated with knee osteoarthritis in and elderly patients. Ali Guermazi, MD, PhD, professor of radiology at BUSM and chief of Musculoskeletal Imaging at Boston Medical Center (BMC), led this study in collaboration with researchers from Lund University in Sweden, Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and Klinikum Augsburg in Germany. The ...

New Genetic Risk Factor for Inflammation Found in African-American Women


Afro-Americans have higher blood levels of a protein associated with increased heart-disease risk than European-Americans, despite higher "good" HDL cholesterol and lower "bad" triglyceride levels. This contradictory observation now may be explained, in part, by a genetic variant identified in the first large-scale, genome-wide association study of this protein involving 12,000 African American and Hispanic American women.Lead researcher Alexander Reiner, M.D., ...

New Insight on Inflammation: Study


Scientists' discover an important step in the body's process for healing wounds that may lead to a new way of treating inflammation. A study published today in iCurrent Biology/i details how an international team of researchers led by Monash University's Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) discovered the mechanism, which shuts down the signal triggering the body's initial inflammatory response to injury. When the body suffers a wound ...

Portrayals by Strong Female Eliminate Negative Effects of Violent Media


Men and women are less likely to face negative effects to sexual violent media when watching a positive portrayal of a strong female character, even when that character is a victim of sexual violence. Christopher Ferguson, Assistant Professor at Texas A (and) M International University, surveyed 150 university students in a controlled environment in a recent study published in the iJournal of Communication/i. Each participant screened a variety of TV shows that ...

Potential Drug for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease


Discovery of new compound could one day cure Alzheimer's disease, say researchers. They hope the compound could help Alzheimer's sufferers regain their memory and other vital brain functions under a new treatment. "It was shown to be effective in preventing the progression of Alzheimer's. It restored functions in the model that we tested. A lot more research needs to be done, but there is major potential," the Daily Express quoted lead scientist ...

Fragrance, the Spirit of the Element


Fragrance is a quintessential potion, which covertly impresses human senses. Heady perfumes continue to mesmerize many as they continue to express themselves elusively all the while. V. Srinivasan of PSVR Enterprises, Chennai with wide experience in dealing with perfumes and fragrances articulates the nuances of scents with Medindia. Q. What is the difference between a perfume and an essential oil? A. Perfumes are a blend of natural ...

Benefits of Coconut Oil - An Ayurvedic Miracle


Coconut oil has been described as the healthiest oil on earth and can be used for skincare, haircare, cooking, weight loss and curative purposes.

Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome Linked to Impaired Brain Function


In adolescents, obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with cognitive and brain impairment, finds study. The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health under award number DK083537, and in part by award number 1ULIRR029892, from the National Center for Research Resources, appears online September 3 in iPediatrics/i. As childhood obesity has increased in the U.S., so has the prevalence of metabolic syndrome - a constellation ...

'Pain Map' to Measure the Level and Location of Pain


New pain map of the brain reveals the level and location of pain felt by patients. The research, which utilises detailed brain-scanning technology, could also finally put an end to the age-old debate about whether women suffer more pain than men. Women have long complained that men exaggerate their discomfort from a variety of ailments, such as bad backs, in order to be looked after or even to avoid doing DIY. This argument could soon ...

Missing Link Between Stem Cells and Immune System Discovered


UCLA researchers have identified the missing link between bone marrow stem cells and the cells of the human immune system. The studies were done using human bone marrow, which contains all the stem cells that produce blood during postnatal life. "We felt it was especially important to do these studies using human bone marrow as most research into the development of the immune system has used mouse bone marrow," said study senior author Dr. Gay Crooks, co-director ...

Researchers Discover Compound That Boosts Effect of Vaccines Against HIV and Flu


New compound that boosts the effect of vaccines against viruses like flu, HIV and herpes has been discovered by Oxford University scientists. An 'adjuvant' is a substance added to a vaccine to enhance the immune response and offer better protection against infection. The Oxford University team, along with Swedish and US colleagues, have shown that a type of polymer called polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a potent adjuvant for test vaccines against HIV, ...

E.coli Can Cause Colon Cancer


Researchers at the University of Liverpool have isolated a variety of iE. coli/i that can promote colon cancer. The same team had previously shown that people with colon cancer and other diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have increased numbers of a sticky type of iE. coli/i in their colons. They discovered that the pks genes found in these E.coli is capable of damaging the DNA of cells ...

Pharmacological Options for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) along with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is termed as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) or obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). There are repeated episodes of collapse of upper airway (UA) during sleep. The cardinal clinical symptoms of sleep apnea are 3 S- sleepiness, snoring (often disruptive) and significant obesity. Another common symptom is large neck circumference (42 cm in men). Individuals ...

Coconut Oil Could Combat Tooth Decay: Study


Coconut oil has the ability to attack the bacteria that causes tooth decay. It could also be incorporated into commercial dental care products, say scientists. The team from the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland tested the antibacterial action of coconut oil in its natural state and coconut oil that had been treated with enzymes, in a process similar to digestion. The oils were tested against strains of Streptococcus bacteria which are common inhabitants ...

New Apple IPod Touch Helps Adults With Autism Function in the Workplace


Apple iPod Touch benefits people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) function in the workplace, state studies. "Strategies that provide enlightened workplace supports are clearly needed in order to help people with ASD find useful work and perform successfully on the job," says lead investigator Tony Gentry, PhD, of the Department of Occupational Therapy at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. "Adults with ASD often have valuable assets and strengths ...

Top Class Electronics Fair Embraces 'grey' Gizmos


High-tech gadgets to make the lives of senior citizens simpler, safer and more fun are in the spotlight at the world's top showcase for consumer electronics and home appliances. A jump in demand has prompted organisers of IFA, which opened its annual six-day trade show on Friday, to offer their first guided tours for the over-60 set, pointing out what's new and hot for the market of a certain age. Displaying their latest gizmos, a raft of companies hope ...

Legislated to Health Now?


In North America, obesity rates are a growing concern for legislators. Expanded waistlines mean rising health-care costs for maladies such as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. One University of Alberta researcher says that if people do not take measures to get healthy, they may find that governments will throw their weight into administrative measures designed to help us trim the fat. Nola Ries of the Faculty of Law's Health Law and Science Policy ...

Intervention Helps Children With Sickle Cell Disease Complete MRI Tests With No Sedation


New interventions help children to complete their MRI tests without involving any kind of sedation. Findings from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital showed that a brief, targeted intervention dramatically increases the likelihood that children as young as 5 years old will be able to undergo testing without sedation. That is good news for children with sickle cell disease, who were the focus of this study. Patients with sickle cell disease often undergo ...