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Need some advice on my chances on getting into medicine!

Posted: 06 Sep 2012 02:10 PM PDT

i'm really worried about my chances, i got 1 A 9 b 1 c in gcse and AAA in A(2)levels (maths,chemistry,biology).
i have done my gold D of E and CLSA (comunity sports leaders), done around 150 hours volunteering and i spent 6 months shadowing doctors in hospitals and a+e.
it would realy help if someone could give me an idea of how much my poor gcse results will effect my chances.

Elective May 2013

Posted: 06 Sep 2012 12:14 PM PDT

Hello! I'll be going on my elective in May 2013. Haven't decided where I'ld be headed, I'm currently looking around the various options. Just wondering if anyone else would be having their elective period in May 2013 as well, as I'm not that keen on going to a foreign country by myself and would love to join anyone else who feels the same.. (I know i might sound creepy but really, I'm not! )

665 UKCAT score

Posted: 06 Sep 2012 10:44 AM PDT

Just took my UKCAT and scored a low 665 for GEP entry. I know this puts me out of the running for QMUL (which would have been my top choice) and obviously the likes of kings. My degree is chemistry based so I also don't have the various needed biological modules for Bristol/Imperial etc. I was wondering if it's even worth applying to Warwick and Southampton(4 yr) this cycle.

I called Warwick today and they said their cutoff was 2660 (after I coaxed an actual number out of her) last year which is exactly what I got, but also stressed how much they fluctuate and are dependent on the success of that cohort. She also said how in certain circumstances, applications near enough the cut off are still considered to a certain extent, and ones above can be quite quickly discarded based on other criteria not being met (information which isn't previously used to derive the 'cutoff').

I also feel a bit robbed in general :( I know that sounds a bit ridiculous and my tune would also certainly be different had I scored higher, but I'm predicted a first in my degree, I have 2 A and 2 A* A Levels, 5 A* and 6 A GCSE, I've been working for the past year during the holidays as a HCA in a nursing home, I've shadowed surgery, I've shadowed at a childs hospice, I've done volunteer work, I have acting experience and leadership courses for extra curriculars. All of this is simply discarded or screened straight away because a 2 hour, highly dubious exam. I understand that they need some way to discriminate applicants, but the basis of this should, in my opinion, be far more rigorous and representative of the candidates true ability. /rant over :p

Anyone doing OCR Human Biology & Chemistry?!

Posted: 06 Sep 2012 07:54 AM PDT

If so where are you doing it!? I've emailed OCR about test centres and they're taking forever to get back to me. The local colleges seem to be offering A Level alternatives and I can't afford private school fees! (also not sure anywhere would accept a 25 year old that is also doing a degree) So if you know your school or college does the OCR courses I'd be really interested in sitting the practicals and exams as an independent. PM if you know of anywhere, official distance learning is looking a bit pricey for me :'(

Best options for humanities grads that don't get in first time?

Posted: 06 Sep 2012 06:29 AM PDT

So basically I'm applying to medicine in the final year of my philosophy degree and I'm somewhat unsure what to have as a backup for medicine in case I don't get in on my first application.

I would be interested in taking a postgraduate course if it were to be relevant to medicine in some way but it seems that these are few and far apart. KCL do a MA Philosophy of Medicine but the course doesn't strike me as being a higher degree than the undergraduate MA that I'll have next summer.

What are the best options for humanities graduates that don't get into medicine on the first attempt?

Implementation of the EU Directive on Prevention of Sharps Injures

Posted: 06 Sep 2012 04:56 AM PDT

Do you know about new EU directive 2010/32/EU " Eliminate sharps at the place of usage. The Directive aims to achieve the safest possible working environment for healthcare workers through the prevention of sharps injuries..."