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Food Safety Agency Says Plastic Chemical may Expose Foetuses to Cancer


Use of bisphenol A - a plastic chemical may expose unborn children to breast cancer later in life, warns France's food safety agency. Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a common component of plastic bottles and canned food and drink linings, but some studies have linked it to brain and nervous system problems, reproductive disorders and obesity. The ANSES agency urged pregnant women to avoid food preserved in cans, or drinking water from polycarbonate ...

Genetic Link to Laziness Identified


Laziness has been linked to genes, according to an American study. New research from the University of Missouri suggests certain genetic traits may predispose people to being more or less motivated to exercise and remain active. Frank Booth, a professor in the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, along with his post-doctoral fellow Michael Roberts, were able to selectively breed rats that exhibited traits of either extreme activity or extreme laziness. ...

Obamacare Set to Distort Health Care


President Barack Obama promised the citizens of America affordable health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Both arguments used by President Obama and his fellow democrats are faulty. The first was that the health care law would bring down health insurance costs, and also provide health cover for those not insured either due to financial reasons or for health reasons. According to two latest studies, one by Society of Actuaries ...

Best Choice Tennessee Has is Gov. Bill Haslam's Plan


Gov. Bill Haslam announced that Tennessee would not expand the State's Medicaid program according to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - commonly referred as 'Obamacare" instead it would follow the 'Tennessee Plan' and increase health coverage for those who genuinely needed it. The Tennessee Plan would help175, 000 people who required health insurance, the state intended to save millions of dollars by buying policies from private insurers. ...

Exercise Helps Teen Smokers Cut Down or Quit Smoking Habit


Teenage smokers who increased the days on which they got at least 30 minutes of exercise were able to quit or cut down smoking, says study. "This study adds to evidence suggesting that exercise can help teenagers who are trying to quit smoking," says lead author Kimberly Horn, EdD, the Associate Dean for Research at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS). "Teens who boosted the number of days on which they engaged ...

Bitter Truth About Fast Foods


You're probably tired of hearing how bad fast food is for your health, and how it can be really dangerous, but soon enough, you may have bent down in submission and indulged. It is inevitable and virtually impossible to escape the clever clutches when you have big banners and posters of gooey cheeseburgers and noodles at every street. Though a clever marketing strategy that is, there are actually some things that you probably don't know that your so-called ...

New Therapy to Protect Against Dengue Virus


Scientists from MIT's Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer Research have discovered a new approach to developing a dengue therapy using mutated antibodies. According to a study by the International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management and Surveillance, up to 390 million people are infected with the dengue virus each year. For most people the mosquito-borne virus causes flulike symptoms, including fever, headache and joint pain. But for ...

Keeping A Check On Cancer


Did you know that healthy cells don't just happen? They need checks and balances as they grow and divide, to ensure that they function properly while adapting to changing conditions around them. Researchers studying a set of proteins that regulate physiology, caloric restriction and aging have discovered another important role that one of them plays. SIRT4, one of seven sirtuin proteins, is known for controlling fuel usage from its post in the mitochondria, the ...

Stress Ups Miscarriage Risk


Sustained stress could increase the risk of miscarriage, reveals study. Several studies have examined the impact of stress on a pregnancy - both chronic stress, such as workload, and acute stress associated with traumatic events like the 9/11 terrorist attacks. They concluded that stress could lead to adverse birth outcomes, including miscarriage and premature birth. But few studies assess the impact of continuous military or political ...

'Iron Lady' Margaret Thatcher Dies at 87


Margaret Thatcher - Britain's former Prime Minister breathed her last at the age of 87. The news of her death was confirmed to the media by her son Sir Mark and daughter Carol. "It is with great sadness that Mark and Carol Thatcher announced that their mother Baroness Thatcher died peacefully following a stroke this morning. A further statement will be made later," The Telegraph quoted her spokesperson Lord Bell, as saying. Thatcher, who served from ...

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Your Kid


Most kids are fussy eaters, and when breakfast is concerned, it can be a tough time for moms. So, to make things easier, we've decided to list down a few healthy breakfast ideas that will be exceptionally helpful during this exam season, when moms are probably more stressed than the kids themselves. Eggs: Eggs should be a staple for a growing kid's breakfast, as it provides a good protein boost, which is one of the most essential nutrients that help ...

Heart Drug may Up Cancer Risk


In men, use of amiodarone drug was found to increase the risk of developing cancer, shows study published in CANCER. Amiodarone was approved in 1985 for the treatment of arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats. Because the drug is fat-soluble and degrades very slowly, large amounts can accumulate in soft tissues after a long-term prescription. Previous studies have shown that amiodarone might increase the risk of certain cancers, but no large-scale study has ...

Stillbirth Rates on Rise


In British Columbia, Canada, the rates of stillbirths have increased by 31% over a decade, shows study published in CMAJ. Stillbirth rates, which had been declining for decades, have increased or plateaued in several industrialized countries. For example, rates in Australia have increased from 7.0 per 1000 total births in 2000 to 7.8 per 1000 in 2009 and in Canada, rates have increased from 6.0 per 1000 total births in 2000 to 7.1 per 1000 in 2009. The United States, ...

Experts Say Controversial Pentavalent Vaccine Safe


Controversial Pentavalent vaccine is effective and safe, say health experts. Touted as a"one-shot wonder" and introduced in the universal immunisation programme (UIP) in eight states, the vaccine claims to targets five infections: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus hepatitis-B and HiB (haemophilius influenzae type B). HiB is responsible for pneumonia and meningitis in children in some countries. However, the Pentavalent immunization programme, which ...

Scientists Explore Link Between Air Pollution and Coral Reef Growth


Pollution caused by human activity can stunt the growth of coral reefs, say researchers. They have found that pollution from fine particles in the air - mainly the result of burning coal or volcanic eruptions - can shade corals from sunlight and cool the surrounding water resulting in reduced growth rates. Although coral reefs grow under the sea it seems that they have been responding to changes in the concentration of particulate pollution in ...

Research to Develop H7N9 Bird Flu Vaccine Begins in China


A Chinese health official said Monday that China has started research for the development of a vaccine for the H7N9 bird flu virus. However, complications in the development and manufacturing process mean it may take about six to eight months before the vaccine can be brought to market, said Liang Wannian, director of the H7N9 influenza prevention and control office under the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC). Liang said the decision ...

'Perfect' Boiled Egg Formula Myth Debunked


While chefs and diners at chic restaurants mull over the '65-degree egg' and its '6X degree C' counterparts, an expert has claimed that the supposed science behind the perfect boiled egg is flawed. It all boils down to the need for greater society-wide understanding of basic scientific concepts, Cesar Vega, Ph.D, said at the 245th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society. Vega has a Ph.D. ...

Men Happier With Many Aspects of Life Than Women


A recent study has revealed that men are happier than women in general in this modern age. The study, commissioned by Benenden Health, surveyed 2000 people about 12 aspects of modern life. It was found that men were their salary, career prospects, body shape, appearance, finances, job security, and how they were perceived by other people, while women were content with their love, family and sex life, general health and their living location. On an average, ...

Heart and Lungs May Detect Smell of Food Says a New Research


A recent research presented at the National Meeting (and) Exposition of the American Chemical Society in New Orleans, suggests that different part of the body like heart, lungs and even blood may have smell receptors. This contradicts the current belief that olfactory receptors are present only in the nose. It is known that foods contain numerous odor components, while only very of them are being detected by the smell receptors in the nose. The findings of this research ...

Georgia Davis, Who was the Fattest Teenager in Britain, is Suffering from Skin Infection and is Fighting for Life


The 20-year-old, Georgia Davis, who was the fattest teenager in Britain is admitted to hospital with skin infection cellulitis and is fighting for life. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection due to wound on the skin. Obese people are more prone to the condition due to increased risk of skin breaking and thinning at fat folds. Stepdad Arthur Treloar, Georgia's father, has been informed by the doctors that his daughter's condition is very critical and she is put on ...

Stress and Anxiety Had Caused Heart Attack Leading to Death of a Woman at Checkpoint


Gordon Matenga, the coroner investigating the death of the 56-year-old Hamilton woman, Elizabeth Gilbertson, at the checkpoint for breath test last year, has found that stress and anxiety resulted in heart attack, which caused the death. Ms. Elizabeth was on her way back home after a dinner with her cousins on June 3, last year when she had to stop at a compulsory breath-testing checkpoint on Cambridge Rd. Her initial breath test showed positive for alcohol, as ...

Syrian Nurse Scarred By Conflict Joins Rebel Side


In Syria's Latakia province, Umm Abed once worked as a nurse at a military hospital treating wounded soldiers, but when army shelling killed her brother and mother she decided to switch sides. "How could I continue to treat (the soldiers) who killed my mother and brother," asks the 27-year-old, her face encircled by a black veil that cascades over her black overcoat. Umm Abed abandoned her post at the hospital in the northeastern province to staff a ...

Shoulder Pain - Symptom Evaluation


Shoulder pain is usually caused by bursitis and tendinitis. Dislocations may corrected by physical manoeuvres or surgery. Arthroscopy may be used in certain cases.