Canadian Online Pharmacy

The April 2013 MedSun Newsletter is now available...

Recalls and Safety Alerts:


Vascular Solutions Inc., Guardian II and Guardian II NC Hemostasis Valves: Class I Recall
Recall due to a risk that air may be introduced into the device which may lead to an air embolism…


Spacelabs Anesthesia Workstations and Service Kits: Class I Recall
A defect in the CAS I/II Absorbers may cause a condition leading to an increase in the carbon dioxide concentration within the inhaled gas being delivered to the patient…


Symbios GOPump Elastomeric Infusion PumpKit: Class I Recall
The flow restrictor bead may become displaced from its fitting which may permit solutions to flow at a higher rate than intended…


Stryker Instruments Neptune 1 Silver and Neptune 2 Ultra Waste Management System: Safety Communication – UPDATE

Stryker has a website to address customer concerns and provides training materials, including webinars and a training assessment, for facilities using the Neptune 1 Silver and Neptune 2 Ultra…



Public Workshop - Summit on Color in Medical Imaging, May 8-9, 2013

The FDA and co-sponsor International Color Consortium (ICC) are announcing a public workshop entitled “Summit on Color in Medical Imaging:  An International workshop on the Technical Framework for Consistency and Interoperability Approaches for Dealing with Color in Medical Images.” The purpose of the workshop is to bring together key stakeholders to clearly identify areas of need, investigate solutions and propose best-practice approaches…

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