Canadian Online Pharmacy

Just 3 items from last week

Improving the public dialogue about health care
From The Times of London

Journalists & bloggers jumped all over this study last week: "Association of skirt size & postmenopausal breast cancer risk in older women." If all you read were news headlines, you were probably misled.  Read our analysis.

If you've followed our website or these mailings, you know that proton beam radiation therapy for cancer is a promising, very expensive, quickly-proliferating, and hotly debated emerging technology.  Yet TIME magazine co-hosted a Twitter chat with the Mayo Clinic, which is building two different proton beam facilities.  Is this the new journalism ethics?  Should a news organization partner with providers to promote their pet technologies in forums like Twitter chats? 

Finally, L'Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco - Italy's national drug regulatory agency - published a profile of our work on their website.   The article was entitled, "Come leggere criticamente le notizie sulla salute: l'esperienza di" - or - "How to critically read the news about health: the experience of" The article described our work as: 

"...a lone voice that deserves to be heard." 

Molte grazie! 
Gary Schwitzer
Adjunct Associate Professor
University of Minnesota School of Public Health

This project is currently operating without funding, although there are now signs of hope around the corner.    


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