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Swedish Study Suggests Reduced Risk Of Dementia
A new Swedish study published in the journal Neurology shows the risk of developing dementia may have declined over the past 20 years, in direct contrast to what many previously assumed. The result is based on data from the SNAC-K, an ongoing study on aging and health that started in 1987.

Memory Loss Reversed In Animal Brain Cells
Neuroscientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) have taken a major step in their efforts to help people with memory loss tied to brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

** AUTISM News **

Brain Activity Distinguishes An Autistic Brain From A Non-Autistic Brain
Neuroscientists from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the University of Toronto have developed an efficient and reliable method of analyzing brain activity to detect autism in children.


Nearly 30 Percent Of Women Fail To Pick Up New Prescriptions For Osteoporosis, Kaiser Permanente Study Finds
Study offers new insights on patient and physician characteristics that contribute to osteoporosis medication adherenceNearly 30 percent of women failed to pick up their bisphosphonate prescriptions, a medication that is most commonly used to treat osteoporosis and similar bone diseases, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published this week in the journal Osteoporosis International.


UCLA Researchers Find Scientific Basis For Cognitive Complaints In Post-Treatment Breast Cancer Patients
UCLA Researchers led by Dr. Patricia Ganz, director of cancer prevention and control research at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, professor of health policy and management at the Fielding School of Public Health and professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine, have published a study showing a statistically significant association between neuropsychological (NP) test performance and memory complaints in post-treatment, early stage breast cancer patients.

Breast Cancer Survivors Rarely Maintain Adequate Physical Activity Despite Benefits
Breast cancer survivors are among the women who could most benefit from regular physical activity, yet few meet national exercise recommendations during the 10 years after being diagnosed, according to a study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.


Liver Cancers Armed With Many Strategies For Evading Immune Response
Study by Roswell Park researchers suggests approaches for overcoming resilience of hepatocellular carcinomasResearchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) have published findings that help explain how a common and particularly resilient form of liver cancer evades the body's natural antitumor responses.

Research Reveals Sterilized Dogs Live Longer
Many dog owners have their pets spayed or neutered to help control the pet population, but new research from the University of Georgia suggests the procedure could add to the length of their lives and alter the risk of specific causes of death.

Vital Clues About Brain Tumors Provided By Virus-Like Particles
"Current wisdom says that cells are closed entities that communicate through the secretion of soluble signalling molecules. Recent findings indicate that cells can exchange more complex information - whole packages of genetic material and signalling proteins.


Better Diagnosis Of Acute Heart Failure Using Pronota's Novel Biomarker
Two independent validation studies demonstrate that Pronota's biomarker CD146significantly improves the diagnosis of acute heart failure for patients with shortness ofbreath. The biomarker, measured in blood, provides clinicians with unique additionalinformation allowing better treatment of this challenging group of patients.


Nearly 30 Percent Of Women Fail To Pick Up New Prescriptions For Osteoporosis, Kaiser Permanente Study Finds
Study offers new insights on patient and physician characteristics that contribute to osteoporosis medication adherenceNearly 30 percent of women failed to pick up their bisphosphonate prescriptions, a medication that is most commonly used to treat osteoporosis and similar bone diseases, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published this week in the journal Osteoporosis International.

** COPD News **

FDA Advisory Committee Recommends Approval Of BREO(TM) ELLIPTA(TM) For The Treatment Of COPD
GlaxoSmithKline plc (LSE: GSK) and Theravance, Inc. (NASDAQ: THRX) have announced that the Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee (PADAC) to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) voted that the efficacy and safety data provide substantial evidence to support approval of BREO(TM) ELLIPTA(TM) as a once-daily inhaled treatment for the long-term, maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (9 for, 4 against) and also for the reduction of COPD exacerbations in patients with a history of exacerbations (9 for, 4 against)*.

** DENTISTRY News **

Study Finds New Iodine Mouthwash May Impact LDL Cholesterol
Clinical trials continue. Data presented to oral medicine conferenceCleaning your mouth and cleaning your arteries could be as simple as a once-a-day oral rinse if additional studies confirm preliminary findings about a new product.

** DIABETES News **

Protein That Interferes With Appetite-Suppressing Hormone Identified And Blocked In Mouse Model
Ever since the appetite-regulation hormone called leptin was discovered in 1994, scientists have sought to understand the mechanisms that control its action. It was known that leptin was made by fat cells, reduced appetite and interacted with insulin , but the precise molecular details of its function - details that might enable the creation of a new treatment for obesity - remained elusive.


Protein That Interferes With Appetite-Suppressing Hormone Identified And Blocked In Mouse Model
Ever since the appetite-regulation hormone called leptin was discovered in 1994, scientists have sought to understand the mechanisms that control its action. It was known that leptin was made by fat cells, reduced appetite and interacted with insulin , but the precise molecular details of its function - details that might enable the creation of a new treatment for obesity - remained elusive.

** FERTILITY News **

Sperm Quality Higher In Men Who Wear Kilts
Men, want to increase your chances of becoming a dad? Then wearing a kilt, without underwear, could do it for you. At least that is the recommendation of a researcher, who writing in the current issue of the Scottish Medical Journal, says although yet to be proven in a scientific trial, judging from the anecdotal literature he reviewed, it is likely that sperm quality is higher in men who wear Scottish kilts (without underwear) compared with men whose reproductive organs are probably kept too warm for healthy sperm production by being tucked away in tight trousers and underpants.

** FLU / COLD / SARS News **

Details Of New Synthetic Vaccine For Emerging H7N9 Threat Revealed At BIO International Convention In Chicago, April 22-25
Replikins Ltd will reveal details on the availability of two completely synthetic vaccine candidates, both with long-term prevention goals and acute short-term blocking capacity. One of these vaccines targets H7N9 alone, the other for H7N9 plus the other common influenza strains.

Sewage Study Reveals Half Of Tamiflu Prescriptions Went Unused During 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
A new study concludes that approximately half of the prescriptions of Tamiflu during the 2009-10 influenza pandemic went unused in England. The unused medication represents approximately 600,000 courses of Tamiflu at a cost of around 7.


Better Diagnosis Of Acute Heart Failure Using Pronota's Novel Biomarker
Two independent validation studies demonstrate that Pronota's biomarker CD146significantly improves the diagnosis of acute heart failure for patients with shortness ofbreath. The biomarker, measured in blood, provides clinicians with unique additionalinformation allowing better treatment of this challenging group of patients.


Details Of New Synthetic Vaccine For Emerging H7N9 Threat Revealed At BIO International Convention In Chicago, April 22-25
Replikins Ltd will reveal details on the availability of two completely synthetic vaccine candidates, both with long-term prevention goals and acute short-term blocking capacity. One of these vaccines targets H7N9 alone, the other for H7N9 plus the other common influenza strains.

Liver Cancers Armed With Many Strategies For Evading Immune Response
Study by Roswell Park researchers suggests approaches for overcoming resilience of hepatocellular carcinomasResearchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) have published findings that help explain how a common and particularly resilient form of liver cancer evades the body's natural antitumor responses.


Research Reveals Sterilized Dogs Live Longer
Many dog owners have their pets spayed or neutered to help control the pet population, but new research from the University of Georgia suggests the procedure could add to the length of their lives and alter the risk of specific causes of death.

Natural Process Discovered That Blocks Viruses
The human body has the ability to ward off viruses by activating a naturally occurring protein at the cellular level, setting off a chain reaction that disrupts the levels of cholesterol required in cell membranes to enable viruses to enter cells.

Parents Tend To Share More Bacteria With Family Dogs Than Children
As much as dog owners love their children, they tend to share more of themselves, at least in terms of bacteria, with their canine cohorts rather than their kids.That is just one finding of a new study led by the University of Colorado Boulder that looked at the types and transfer modes of microbes from the guts, tongues, foreheads and palms (or paws) of members of 60 American families, including canines.


Liver Cancers Armed With Many Strategies For Evading Immune Response
Study by Roswell Park researchers suggests approaches for overcoming resilience of hepatocellular carcinomasResearchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) have published findings that help explain how a common and particularly resilient form of liver cancer evades the body's natural antitumor responses.


Revolutionary Autoinjector Pushes The Limits Of High Viscosity Drug Delivery
Oval Medical Technologies Ltd ('Oval'), have announced that a variety of 1100 cPs solutions (the thickness of motor oil) have been successfully delivered through a 25G thin wall needle, in less than 7 seconds, using their revolutionary autoinjector.

** MEN'S HEALTH News **

Sperm Quality Higher In Men Who Wear Kilts
Men, want to increase your chances of becoming a dad? Then wearing a kilt, without underwear, could do it for you. At least that is the recommendation of a researcher, who writing in the current issue of the Scottish Medical Journal, says although yet to be proven in a scientific trial, judging from the anecdotal literature he reviewed, it is likely that sperm quality is higher in men who wear Scottish kilts (without underwear) compared with men whose reproductive organs are probably kept too warm for healthy sperm production by being tucked away in tight trousers and underpants.


Babies Show Adult-Like Consciousness As Early As Five Months
Babies become conscious of their environment by the time they are five months old, according to a new study by French neuroscientists.By the time infants reach three months of age, their developing brains have trillions of connections and the weight of those firing neurons triples within the first year of life.

Memory Loss Reversed In Animal Brain Cells
Neuroscientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) have taken a major step in their efforts to help people with memory loss tied to brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

Vital Clues About Brain Tumors Provided By Virus-Like Particles
"Current wisdom says that cells are closed entities that communicate through the secretion of soluble signalling molecules. Recent findings indicate that cells can exchange more complex information - whole packages of genetic material and signalling proteins.


Experts Examine Mediterranean Diet's Health Effects For Older Adults
According to a study published in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, a baseline adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) is associated with a lower risk of hyperuricemia, defined as a serum uric acid (SUA) concentration higher than 7mg/dl in men and higher than 6mg/dl in women.

Increasing The Convenience Of Fruit May Increase Consumption In School Cafeterias
Previous studies and surveys have shown that kids love to eat fruit in ready-to-eat bite-sized pieces, yet in most school settings, the fruit is served whole, which could be the cause that children are taking fruits but not eating them.


Further Research Necessary To Fully Understand The Cause Of Obesity
A recent article published in the BMJ reveals that our understanding of what causes obesity may actually be incorrect. The author of the study, Gary Taubes, stresses that if we are to make any actual progress in combating obesity we must further our understanding on what actually causes it.

Health Promotion And Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiatives
More than 12 percent of preschoolers are obese, which means they have a body mass index above the 95th percentile. Among Black and Hispanic children, the figure rises to 16 percent. These early growth patterns often continue through childhood and adolescence, increasing children's health risks, which can affect almost every system in the body, from cardiovascular to mental health.

Protein That Interferes With Appetite-Suppressing Hormone Identified And Blocked In Mouse Model
Ever since the appetite-regulation hormone called leptin was discovered in 1994, scientists have sought to understand the mechanisms that control its action. It was known that leptin was made by fat cells, reduced appetite and interacted with insulin , but the precise molecular details of its function - details that might enable the creation of a new treatment for obesity - remained elusive.


Painkillers Taken Before Marathons Linked To Potentially Serious Side Effects
Risk increases with dose; unrecognised problem, doctors warnAttempts to ward off pain in marathons and other endurance sports by taking over the counter painkillers may be ill advised, because these drugs may cause serious side effects in these circumstances, suggests research published in the online journal BMJ Open.


Babies Show Adult-Like Consciousness As Early As Five Months
Babies become conscious of their environment by the time they are five months old, according to a new study by French neuroscientists.By the time infants reach three months of age, their developing brains have trillions of connections and the weight of those firing neurons triples within the first year of life.

Cross-Cultural Similarities In Early Adolescence
Concordia researcher compares development of self-esteem in Canadian and Colombian childrenAcquiring self-esteem is an important part of a teenager's development. The way in which adolescents regard themselves can be instrumental in determining their achievement and social functioning.

Assessing The Health And Well-Being Of Latino Youth And Families Following Implementation Of Arizona's 2010 Immigration Law
In 2010, Arizona passed an immigration law (S.B. 1070, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act) that gave state police unprecedented power to detain individuals unable to prove their U.

Health Promotion And Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiatives
More than 12 percent of preschoolers are obese, which means they have a body mass index above the 95th percentile. Among Black and Hispanic children, the figure rises to 16 percent. These early growth patterns often continue through childhood and adolescence, increasing children's health risks, which can affect almost every system in the body, from cardiovascular to mental health.

Increasing The Convenience Of Fruit May Increase Consumption In School Cafeterias
Previous studies and surveys have shown that kids love to eat fruit in ready-to-eat bite-sized pieces, yet in most school settings, the fruit is served whole, which could be the cause that children are taking fruits but not eating them.


Two-thirds Of Adults Use A Cell Phone While Driving With Kids
Almost two-thirds of adults use a cell phone while driving with kids in the car, and one-third text, according to a new survey.The research was conducted by experts in the Training, Research and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS) program at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.

Assessing The Health And Well-Being Of Latino Youth And Families Following Implementation Of Arizona's 2010 Immigration Law
In 2010, Arizona passed an immigration law (S.B. 1070, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act) that gave state police unprecedented power to detain individuals unable to prove their U.

Sewage Study Reveals Half Of Tamiflu Prescriptions Went Unused During 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
A new study concludes that approximately half of the prescriptions of Tamiflu during the 2009-10 influenza pandemic went unused in England. The unused medication represents approximately 600,000 courses of Tamiflu at a cost of around 7.


FDA Advisory Committee Recommends Approval Of BREO(TM) ELLIPTA(TM) For The Treatment Of COPD
GlaxoSmithKline plc (LSE: GSK) and Theravance, Inc. (NASDAQ: THRX) have announced that the Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee (PADAC) to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) voted that the efficacy and safety data provide substantial evidence to support approval of BREO(TM) ELLIPTA(TM) as a once-daily inhaled treatment for the long-term, maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (9 for, 4 against) and also for the reduction of COPD exacerbations in patients with a history of exacerbations (9 for, 4 against)*.

** SENIORS / AGING News **

Experts Examine Mediterranean Diet's Health Effects For Older Adults
According to a study published in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, a baseline adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) is associated with a lower risk of hyperuricemia, defined as a serum uric acid (SUA) concentration higher than 7mg/dl in men and higher than 6mg/dl in women.


Breast Pain Issue For One In Three Female Marathon Runners
Pain more common among larger breasted women but sports bras don't always helpOne in three female marathon runners is likely to suffer breast pain (mastalgia) during the course of the event, suggests research published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Breast Cancer Survivors Rarely Maintain Adequate Physical Activity Despite Benefits
Breast cancer survivors are among the women who could most benefit from regular physical activity, yet few meet national exercise recommendations during the 10 years after being diagnosed, according to a study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

** SWINE FLU News **

Sewage Study Reveals Half Of Tamiflu Prescriptions Went Unused During 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic
A new study concludes that approximately half of the prescriptions of Tamiflu during the 2009-10 influenza pandemic went unused in England. The unused medication represents approximately 600,000 courses of Tamiflu at a cost of around 7.

** VASCULAR News **

Cook Medical Introduces New Fully-Retractable Embolization Coil
Cook Medical has launched a new fully-retractable .035 inch embolization coil, intended for peripheral arterial and venous embolization. Embolization is a nonsurgical, minimally invasive procedure performed by a physician to block or reduce blood flow in arteries and veins.


Research Reveals Sterilized Dogs Live Longer
Many dog owners have their pets spayed or neutered to help control the pet population, but new research from the University of Georgia suggests the procedure could add to the length of their lives and alter the risk of specific causes of death.


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