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Alternative Therapies may Help Treat Hypertension, Says Study


Aerobic exercise, resistance or strength training can reduce blood pressure and can be considered as an adjunctive treatment for those who can't tolerate or don't respond well to standard medications, says study. In a new scientific statement, the association said alternative approaches could also help people with blood pressure levels higher than 120/80 mm Hg. However, alternative therapies shouldn't replace proven methods to lower blood pressure ...

Smell and Taste Disorders


Smell and taste disorders are common chemosensory disorders that are capable of affecting an individual's quality of life.

Vaccination Drive Against Japanese Encephalitis Launched


A vaccination drive to cover 1.8 million children against Japanese encephalitis has been launched in Bihar, says minister. "It is to provide immunity against the deadly Japanese encephalitis to children in the age group of 1-15 years in the state," Health Minister Ashwani Choubey said. He added that the vaccines would be administered at all government and private schools, and primary health centres across the state. Last year, the ...

Commonly Used Drug Limits Radiation Damage


Administration of an ACE inhibitor can limit the damage caused to heart and lungs by radiotherapy treatment of tumours in the chest region, say researchers. Common cancers such as breast, oesophagus, lung, and Hodgkin's lymphoma are frequently treated with radiotherapy, but the radiation dose that can be given safely is limited by the sensitivity of the health lung tissue which is also irradiated. The lung is a particularly complex and sensitive ...

Sleep Loss can Harm Blood Vessel Function


According to a recent study, cutting back on sleep could harm the function of blood vessels and breathing control. A bevy of research has shown a link between sleep deprivation and cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, and obesity. However, it's been unclear why sleep loss might lead to these effects. Several studies have tested the effects of total sleep deprivation, but this model isn't a good fit for the way most people lose sleep, with ...

Bacteria to Produce Diesel on Demand


University of Exeter scientists have developed a new method to make bugs produce diesel on demand. While the technology still faces many significant commercialisation challenges, the diesel, produced by special strains of E. coli bacteria, is almost identical to conventional diesel fuel and so does not need to be blended with petroleum products as is often required by biodiesels derived from plant oils. This also means that the diesel can be ...

Testicle Pain - Symptom Evaluation


A sudden, severe pain in the testis may be due to testicular torsion. Testicles inside the scrotum are very sensitive organs.

New Method to Assess Options for Heart-disease Surgery Developed


A new method to assess which patients with heart disease would benefit more from surgery which would benefit more from angioplasty has been developed by Stanford University School of Medicine researchers. Drawing on Medicare records of more than 100,000 patients with heart disease, the team demonstrated that the effectiveness of coronary bypass surgery varied widely based on each individual's characteristics. The data enabled them to predict which type of ...

Doctors Say Huge Dearth of Diabetes Educators in India


In India, there is a huge dearth of diabetes management experts and educators, say government officials and healthcare experts. "There is a huge dearth, absolute lack of diabetes educators in the country. This is a well established concept in the west but is slowly emerging in India," J.J. Mukherjee, senior consultant in diabetes and endocrinology, Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals here, told IANS Friday on the sidelines of West Bengal state round-table on Non-Communicable ...

Health Insurance Expansion Lures Reliance Life Reliance


Reliance Life is scheduling its presence in the health insurance sector in a bid to tap low customer penetration in this area. So far health insurance is dominated by general insurance companies at present, though, many life insurance firms have introduced many health focused products. Reliance Life, part of Anil Ambani-led Reliance Group's financial services firm Reliance Capital Limited, has also launched two new health products - Reliance Life Care ...

Berries Protect Against Mental Decline


Eating berries may promote autophagy - the brain's natural housekeeping mechanism, finds study. The protective effect of berries against inflammation has been documented in many studies. Diets supplemented with blueberries and strawberries have also been shown to improve behavior and cognitive functions in stressed young rats. To evaluate the protective effects of berries on brain function, specifically the ability of the brain to clear toxic accumulation, ...

Keys to Good Looks Identified


Good nutrition, exercise and protection from sun are the best things for appearance, says Australia's head of cosmetic surgery. Dr Colin Moore told plastic surgeons, dermatologists and cosmetic that there is an increasing emphasis on holistic and preventative strategies. Moore said that it is a very exciting time for cosmetic medical practice and it underscores the multidisciplinary nature of the growing specialty, reported. One ...

Six Reasons why your Belly Aches


Do you associate your stomach pain with the infection you got through the spicy burger from the famous food joint? It's time to think out of the box, because there's a lot more to belly ache than just that. Some serious complications and some not-so-serious ones could be causing your stomach ache. Here's the list of common causes of stomach pain. Gallstones - Often the cause of stomach pain, especially in women who are more than 40 years old, gallstones ...

Scientists Explore Link Between Mental Vulnerability and Risk of Heart Disease


Mental vulnerability is associated with an increased risk of both fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease, shows study. The study's first author, Dr Anders Borglykke from the Research Centre for Prevention and Health (and) #8232; at Glostrup University Hospital, Denmark, explained that psychosocial factors and personality traits have been consistently associated with cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality, but their role in the prediction of risk was ...

Dove Advertisement is an Eye-opener to the Way Women Perceive Their Beauty


An impactful advert by skincare brand Dove, underlines the fact that women are highly self critical when they look at themselves and beauty may just lie in the eyes of the beholder. An experiment was conducted by researchers where faces of women were drawn according to how they perceived their beauty. This was compared with another set of sketches drawn by strangers of the same women. The comparison of these sketches revealed the differences in how others perceived ...

Report Says 'Cinnamon Challenge' Game Poses Danger to Lungs


Cinnamon Challenge - a popular game among US teens has serious long-term health risks, finds study published in the journal Pediatrics. The game may seem like harmless fun, many youth who play in end up taking a trip to the emergency room, and some even suffer lung damage. Over the past few years, it has become popular for youth to film themselves attempting the stunt, then gagging desperately as they try to refrain from drinking water for at least a minute. ...

Beware of High Pollen Count and Severe Hay Fever


Late spring could bring its set of problems and one of them is the onslaught of severe hay fever, likely to affect many this year. June is slated to be the time with the highest pollen levels in five decades. Experts have said that the combo of long winter and an early summer may send pollen levels rocketing and this could cause health problems in many people. 'The cold spring meant a late start for pollen, with pollen burst now in a condensed period ...

Green Spaces in Urban Areas Promote Physical and Emotional Well-being


A University of Exeter study has revealed the positives of having green spaces like parks and gardens in urban areas, which can go a long way in boosting the quality of life. The analysis was made after a study of nearly 5,000 UK households over 17 years and researchers discovered that residing in a greener place had a significant positive effect on health. Calling it the 'green space effect', researchers found that living amid greenery boosted life satisfaction ...

Could Ocean Acidification Act as a Hearing Aid for Fish?


Bignami, who recently completed his PhD in Marine Biology and Fisheries at UM said that, "Increased hearing sensitivity could improve a fish's ability to use sound for navigation, predator avoidance, and communication. However, it could also increase their sensitivity to common background noises, which may disrupt the detection of more useful auditory information." The study, a collaboration between UM and NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program at the Atlantic Oceanographic ...

Study Explores Learned Helplessness in Flies and the Roots of Depression


When faced with impossible circumstances beyond their control, animals, including humans, often hunker down. While doing this they develop sleep or eating disorders, ulcers, and other physical manifestations of depression. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal iCurrent Biology/i on April 18 show that the same kind of thing happens to flies. The study is a step toward understanding the biological basis for depression and presents a new way for ...

Study: US Facing a Neurologist Shortage


According to a new study, Americans with brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis (MS) who need to see a neurologist may face longer wait times or have more difficulty finding a neurologist. The study was published in the April 17, 2013, online issue of iNeurology/i (Regd) , the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The findings are being released as nearly 150 neurologists will descend on Capitol Hill next Tuesday, ...

Scientists Try To Detect Autism from Brain Activity


Neuroscientists have developed an efficient and reliable method of analyzing brain activity to detect autism in children. The scientists are from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the University of Toronto. Their findings appear today in the online journal iPLOS ONE/i. The researchers recorded and analyzed dynamic patterns of brain activity with magnetoencephalography (MEG) to determine the brain's functional connectivity - that is, ...

In Haryana, Huge Stocks Of Medicinal Drugs Got Seized


An official revealed that Haryana's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and police have seized psychotropic drugs worth Rs.15 lakh from a private bus in the state's Fatehabad district. The FDA spokesman said that the intoxicants included over 30,000 capsules of Parvon Spas, 2.35 lakh tablets of Lomotil, 2,520 bottles of Rexcof cough syrup, 18,000 capsules of Spasmo Proxyvon and 50,000 tablets of Carisoma. All are over the counter medicines misused by addicts. ...